
A Brief Note

By Haziran 23, 2015 No Comments

I have recently been made aware that some of my readers think that my posts are be a bit too long. Well, that’s why I ask all of you to provide feedback by COMMENTING.

It was also suggested that I do away with anecdotes and pictures of friends and family. The original idea was to make the Blog more personal and friendly. Again, please comment if you like certain things and not others.

So here’s what I will do, going forward. No anecdotes, no superfluous pictures, just short, to the point articles.

If the topic cannot be condensed or put forth clearly in a short as possible article, I will put it in the Blog in two or three installments.

My next topic, for example, will be on SLEEP. What I will do is first explain what happens when you are SLEEP DEPRIVED and in the follow-up post suggest how you may prevent sleep deprivation.

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