DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONSTIPSWARNINGS AN ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTION TO STOP WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT TO PEE You may recall that I wrote about this problem on July 31, 2022. The number of comments and questions really surprised me and suggest…Aydın UlusanKasım 16, 2022
DEFINITIONSEXERCISEHEALTHRECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATIONS IF YOU FAIL THIS SIMPLE 10-SECOND TEST, YOUR RISK OF DEATH DOUBLES As children, many of us used to participate in contests such as “who can stand on one foot longest?” Little did we know…Aydın UlusanEylül 23, 2022
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONSWARNINGS STANDING ON ONE LEG IS A SIGN OF GOOD HEALTH – AND PRACTISING IS GOOD FOR YOU TOO Research shows that people’s ability to stand on one leg is an indicator of health and that getting better at standing on…Aydın UlusanEkim 18, 2021
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONS THE 30-SECOND TRICK FOR LOSING MORE WEIGHT WHILE WALKING Despite what you may have heard from “experts” in the field, walking – when paired with a healthy diet – is an effective way…Aydın UlusanNisan 4, 2021
DEFINITIONSEXERCISEHEALTHRECOMMENDATIONSTIPS HOW MANY MINUTES OF EXERCISE IS SUFFICIENT FOR A LONGER LIFE? For many of us, it’s been a tough year for maintaining healthy habits. As our living situations change and our options for exercising decrease,…Aydın UlusanAralık 17, 2020
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONS ISOMETRICS: THE SECRET TO GAINING STRENGTH – WITHOUT MOVING A MUSCLE This article was originally posted on October 20, 2016; why am I re-posting? Given that almost the whole world is under quaranteen I thought it…Aydın UlusanNisan 6, 2020
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONS THE MOVE THAT’S BETTER FOR YOUR SHOULDERS THAN OVERHEAD BARBELL PRESSES If you think about it, the shoulders are the glutes of the upper body. If you want impressive shoulders, you need to prioritize…Aydın UlusanMart 15, 2020
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONSTIPSWARNINGS DO YOU WANT YOUR SIX-PACK TO BE VISIBLE? READ ON There are many muscles that people tend to overlook in their workouts – brachialis, rhomboids, hip adductors, gluteus medius and minimus to name a…Aydın UlusanKasım 14, 2019
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONSTIPSWARNINGS A FREE WEIGHT VERSION OF “SUPER SLOW” We had a very enjoyable class reunion dinner about a weeks ago, and when a dear classmate, Tuğrul Bornovalı, told me that he had started…Aydın UlusanHaziran 25, 2019
DEFINITIONSEXERCISERECOMMENDATIONSTIPS CAN’T DO A SINGLE PULL-UP? HERE’S HOW TO GET STRONG ENOUGH TO DO 50 Attempting to execute some of the moves you see being done at the gym, can really zap one’s…Aydın UlusanMayıs 29, 2019