DEFINITIONSDEFINITIONSEXERCISEHEALTHMEDİTASYONRECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATIONSTIPSTIPS THREE BREATHING EXERCISES Kadir, a follower of the blog, commented the other day about how he enjoyed and learned from my “Breathing” post of June 3, 2015 and…Aydın UlusanŞubat 1, 2017
DEFINITIONSHEALTHMEDİTASYONTIPS DO YOU WAKE UP EVERY NIGHT AT A CERTAIN TIME? An article about this came out in Facebook recently and I thought it would be a good idea to go over it with you. My…Aydın UlusanAğustos 11, 2016
DEFINITIONSDEFINITIONSEXERCISEHEALTHMEDİTASYONNUTRITIONRECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATIONSTIPSTIPSWARNINGSWARNINGS EPIGENETICS What does this mean? The origin of the word is, of course, Greek and EPI means ABOVE, OVER. Thus, epigenetics means “over, above genes”. Remember…Aydın UlusanNisan 21, 2016
DEFINITIONSHEALTHMEDİTASYONOTHERRECOMMENDATIONSTIPSUncategorized WHY YOU SHOULD MAKE TIME FOR “GROUNDING” Pictured above is a grounding or earthing pad, and is the most convenient way to ground oneself. I use one while meditating and writing…Aydın UlusanŞubat 26, 2016