MEDITATIONRECOMMENDATIONS THIS IS THE SECRET TO MAKING YOUR BRAIN QUICKER If you feel like your brain is moving at a slow pace, you’re not alone. Many people are feeling stressed, tired, and burned…Aydın UlusanEkim 3, 2021
HEALTHMEDITATIONRECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATIONSTIPS THREE WAYS TO IMPROVE IMMUNITY, FROM AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECİALIST In the midst of the coronavirus, it might be easier to overlook the severity of the flu, but in reality, the two aren’t that…Aydın UlusanMart 25, 2020
DEFINITIONSHEALTHMEDITATIONRECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATIONSTIPSTIPS HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO STOP WORRYING This is actually an addendum to last week’s post. However, these suggestions apply to mild cases of anxiety that we can classify as “just worrying”.…Aydın UlusanMart 9, 2017
MEDITATIONRECOMMENDATIONS Motivation A close friend recently suggested that I write about motivation, as this seemed to be a missing factor when it came to applying the suggestions…Aydın UlusanAğustos 14, 2015
MEDITATIONRECOMMENDATIONS Meditation I keep referring to a “way of life”; what does this entail? *Eating properly *Exercise / movement *A calm, stressless, relaxed mind, SERENITY We’ve talked…Aydın UlusanMayıs 28, 2015