An article about this came out in Facebook recently and I thought it would be a good idea to go over it with you.
My wife and I both have this problem and I was thinking of how we/you might address this.
Anyway, apparently there are internal clocks inherent in humans that govern our bodily functions.
If you’ve been waking up at the same time every night there may be an issue with a specific organ.
I’ll now go over a list of organs and the time of night they are associated with:
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
This is the time in which our endocrine system rebalances and enzymes are replenished. If you have trouble falling asleep at this time you could be stuck in the “fight or flight” mode.
In other words you are pumped up with adrenalin and are ready to fight with or escape from a perceived, or imagined, predator.
The difference between the Facebook article and this post is that here I will suggest a possible solution.
All of my solutions are based on TAPPING or “Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)” which I wrote about on July 20, 2015. I strongly suggest you re-read it before attempting a tapping solution to your disturbing sleep pattern.
I will summarize the tapping solution at the end of the post, but will give you a hint at what you should be aiming for at the end of each specific time period.
In this, first case, try to calm yourself, relax. Convince yourself that the danger or challenge has passed.
Since this is the time most people go to sleep, you can tap before going to bed. However, you cannot tap at, say 3:00 AM, if you habitually wake up then, but should tap within the day.
11:00 PM – 1:00 AM
If you wake up often at this time of night it could be due to resentment you are carrying. Reinforce self-love and aim at staying calm and conserving energy in your tapping session.
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM
This is a crucial time for your body’s detoxification and renewal process. If you often wake up in this time period, it could indicate anger, frustration and negative formations.
Tap away the anger and frustration and negative formations.
3:00 AM – 5:00 AM
This is the time your lunges are under repair and flooding your body with oxygen. Problems with the lungs are often related to grief and sadness.
Tap away the grief and sadness in your life.
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Any toxins broken down earlier in the night are being cleaned from your system. The large intestine is active during this process.
Although it is difficult to suggest a tapping solution in this case, maybe tapping to address a colon issue, such as constipation, could be helpful.
Remember our tapping points, pictured above?
Here is my suggestion for the 3:00 AM – 5:00 AM awakener:
Tappıng Point Verbalization
- “Even though I am full of grief and sadness, I choose to shake these feelings off of me and become my old happy, jovial self.again”. REPEAT 3 TIMES
- “I am full of grief and sadness”.
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
- “I am full of grief and sadness.”
Now, repeat, “ I choose to shake these feelings off and become my old happy, jovial self again”, through points 2 to 9.
Now alternate between “I am full of grief and sadness” and “ I choose to shake these feelings off and become my old happy, jovial self again” from points 2 to 9.
That’s it. Give it a try and you may be surprised at the results.
See you all next week.