Our lovely daughter-in-law, Zozo, pictured below, was a bit worried about gluten intolerance and asked me to give the subject a brief “go-over” for her benefit.
People are interesting and frustrating creatures as I elaborated upon in my “I’m Frustrated” post, dated June 29, 2016.
As I stated in that post, “Just as some people can consume a lot of alcohol, for many years without experiencing the negative side effects, some can consume grains without feeling the negative side effects.”
Remember that just because you don’t feel any side effects now, does not mean that your body has not already been DAMAGED and what could be awaiting you, health wise, in the coming years.
So, if you insist then you should also be ready to face the consequences.
What are these 7 signs that everyone seems to ignore?
- Keratosis Pilaris
We went over this in the original post and it seems to be the thing that caused Zozo’s apprehension.
This “chicken skin” is commonly found on the backside of arms and thighs. It is a result of fatty acid deficiency, which is caused by gluten damaging the gut.
- Persistent Headaches
Persistent headaches and migraines are other potential signs of being gluten intolerant. Although they could be signs of other disorders, HAVE YOUR DOCTOR MAKE CERTAIN.
- Autoimmune Diseases
Not in all cases, but certainly in some cases, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Lupus, Scleroderma, Psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, and multiple sclerosis have been found to be linked to gluten intolerance.
- Routine Digestive Issues
Diarrhea, gases, persistent constipation and bloating are seemingly without cause but are some of the most obvious signs. Gluten intolerance in children can most easily be recognized by constipation.
- Dizziness
Feeling off balance and dizzy are two other signs of being intolerant to gluten.
- Chronic Fatigue
Chronic fatigue can sometimes be caused by something easily improved, like dehydration, and can sometimes be caused by something as severe as HIV. So if you are experiencing chronic fatigue visits your doctor ASAP to see what’s causing it. Brain fog, feeling tired (especially after meals where you have consumed gluten) and fatigue, are all symptoms that indicate you could be gluten intolerant.
- Fibromyalgia
Some people who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are actually gluten intolerant but don’t know it. Realize that you may be and act accordingly to see if the situation improves.
If you have any of these 7 signs and have been ignoring them STOP. Re-read, or probably read, the “Gluten Intolerance” post, dated September 4, 2015 carefully and seriously. If you stop consuming grains you can rid yourself of this, but visit your doctor to be on the safe side regarding other probable causes of these symptoms.
See you all next week.