EXERCISETIPS Drop Set Exercise Program Suggestions Before I get into the subject, I would like to go over some basics as a close friend who had read the Drop Set post…Aydın UlusanOcak 20, 2016
EXERCISERECOMMENDATIONS Your Brain After a 20-Minute Walk I came across this article in Facebook and thought it would be a good idea to share it with you. The article supports what I’ve…Aydın UlusanNisan 9, 2015
NUTRITIONRECOMMENDATIONS Nutrition/Health As I touched upon in the introduction, my diet is basically a hunter-gatherer diet. I take that back, I don’t like the word diet. Rephrasing,…Aydın UlusanMart 11, 2015
OTHER Hi My name is Aydın Ulusan and I have some suggestions on healthy eating, sports/activities and miscellaneous matters that will hopefully make you stop and think.…Aydın UlusanAralık 18, 2014