I recently stumbled on what has got to be the smartest, most nutritious, easy-to-make lunch recipe in the whole world. It might just be the world’s heathiest salad.
Some experts call it a “fat salad” for the generous complement of healthy fatty acids, but its much more than that. It has a great protein, vitamin, mineral, and polyphenol profile, and it’s also the consummate body building meal.
The ingredients
- Spinach
- Black olives
- Pumpkin seeds
- Tomatoes
- Avocado
- Wild salmon
- Hard-boiled eggs
The amount of each ingredient is up to you.
The only ingredients that need that need any preparation are the tomatoes and avocados.
Mix the ingredients together in whatever proportions you find palatable and add the dressing of your choice. I suggest:
- Olive oil
- Lemon juice
- Mustard powder
- Garlick
- Salt and pepper
Why is this salad so healthy?
Here is a short rundown of some of the nutritional attributes of each:
It’s got vitamin A, C, and K. In addition to iron, potassium, calcium, and plenty of fiber, not to mention a large amount of multi-tasking polyphenols. It’s also full of nitrates. When converted by the body to nitric oxide, nitrates increase the speed and force of muscle contraction, along with fighting fungi.
Protein, iron, vitamin D. Lots of omega-3 fatty acids.
Protein of course, but also good amounts of vitamins E, K, and that all-too-rare dietary vitamin D. Eggs induce a surge of mTOR, which is probably the most important cell-signaling complex for muscle growth. They also contain arachidonic acid, which the body requires to manufacture testosterone.
A little bit of protein, but also a nice compliment of fatty acids. They also contain lots of magnesium, of which most people are in short supply. Not having enough is bad because the mineral is involved in anywhere from 300 to 600 enzymatic reactions in the body.
Of course, vitamin C, but what we’re mostly interested in is that they’re full of lycopene. This carotenoid has the highest free radicle scavenging ability of any phytochemical. It also plays a supportive role in everything from prostate health to heart function.
Some protein, plenty of vitamins and minerals, fiber, some polyphenols and carotenoids, and a lot of monounsaturated fat.
Calcium, magnesium, and polyphenols, including lots of oleuropein, which is responsible for that burning sensation you feel in the back of your throat when you ingest olive oil. This polyphenol may also cause white fat cells to act more like brown fat cells (and thus burn more body fat), increase testicle size and production of testosterone, and even increase insulin sensitivity.
How often? I’ll give you the same answer as when people ask how often they should exercise: Once o week is better than zero times a week; twice a week is better than once; three times a week is better than twice, and so on.
If people ate this salad at least twice a week, it would cut the nation’s healthcare expenses by a third. They’d fulfill their dietary requirements for most vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, polyphenols, fatty acids, and proteins. And they’d start to look a lot better naked, too.
That’s it for now my friends; see you all the next time.