Food for thoughtOTHER


By Ağustos 4, 2019 2 Comments








If you can decipher this jumble of coded characters, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re genius. It might, however, attest to the way your brain is wired.


Left Brain or Right?


I’m no psychologist, but I know that we humans have two almost entirely separate brain hemispheres, and each is responsible for completely different functions of thinking and interpreting the world.







Right Brain: Geared For Chaos


Psychologists have found that the right hemisphere is responsible for exploring the chaos of the unknown. Imagination, curiosity, visual imagery, as well as gross motor skills are all things that an explorer needs to orient him in the world, or an artist needs to produce an original piece of visual artwork.


However, the right side is also responsible for negative emotions, those associated with fear of the unknown, aggression, as well as depression, all things designed to help us survive in chaotic and dangerous situations.


Left Brain: Geared For Order


The brain’s left hemisphere is the side of logic and order. After exploring and mastering certain domains in our lives, an orderly understanding emerges in the left side of our brain. It is associated with logic, language, reason, writing, and mathematics, all of the things that allow us to communicate more effectively, develop science, and advance our technology once we grasp how to live successfully in our environment.


The left side of the brain is associated with positive emotions and happiness, as we prefer to live in a world that is familiar and orderly, as opposed to chaotic. But this can lead to becoming overly rooted and tyrannically imposing our “order” on the world rather than facing the ever-present unknown that is life.


If You Were Able To See The Hidden Message Above, You May Be Right Brained


If you were able to read the message, it may mean that you are a right-brain thinker, as the right side is geared toward visual imagery and confronting seemingly chaotic patterns using creativity and imagination to explore for a solution.


Yet, left-brain thinkers, who may not see the solution visually, may still decode it using logic. Furthermore, the message is composed of numbers, letters, and logical patterns, which the left-brain is geared for. Perhaps, with a few hints from your right brain, you may infer that 8s are equal to Bs, and 3s are equal to Es, and transcribe the entire message piecemeal.










Honestly though, unless one half of the brain has been damaged or removed, we all use both sides of our brains in most situations, as both sides are necessary to live a balanced life and make sense of the world around us.  And, finding that balance is one of the most rewarding things there is in life.


If I get an e-mail or comment on the deciphered message, I’ll be glad to forward it to those who weren’t able to “crack” the code.

That’s it for this week; see you all the next time.


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